Evolved Masculine Mastermind/Apprenticeship

Mastermind Program:

Duration: 9 months (split into 3 trimesters)

Primary Outcomes: 

-1: Your own personal transformation in envisioning and stepping into your next level Evolved Masculine Self (EMS), Mastering your sexual energy and becoming a more extraordinary evolved lover, and deepening your understanding of and relating with women and the feminine.

-2: Your ability to catalyze high level transformation in others. You will learn skills to be a more powerful coach and leader for others. How to engender deep trust, inspire vulnerability, and lead others into identity level shifts in their being that lead them to be grateful for you for the rest of their lives. Most importantly, who you become in this process!

-3: Your ability to make good money doing so! 

Learn the art and science of high level enrollment (5-6 figure clients). 

Build your positioning and how you show up as and are seen as a leader in your field.

Create a tangible ROI. We will actively focus on creating more $ than you invested in the apprenticeship while you are in it. With you ability to create more $ through this work continuing to grow long after we are complete.

To put more bluntly, I seek to transmit as much as my gifts as possible to you during the course of this next year. This is the deepest way available to work with the possible exception of $100k+ private engagement.

Price: $20,000. 

This is designed to be high level investment. It acts as a barrier keeping out anyone who isn’t fully committed. And calling you into the version of yourself who can make something like this happen when you truly believe it will be valuable for you. Lastly, so that you have the fire within to create this money first to make it happen, and then create it again to put that money back in your pocket (this time with the support of the mastermind)

Combination of online coursework (Evolved Masculine Power – EMP, Sexual Self-Mastery – SSM, Understanding Women & Feminine – UWF), group coaching calls, personal assignments, retreats, and optional certification for those interested in becoming coaches.


We will officially kick off with our first weekend retreat this September. We will focus on deeply bonding with one another while calling each other forward and up into the Evolved Masculine Leader you are here to be. We will additionally get a deep crash course in working with your sexual energy, while learning how to guide someone else around mastering their own sexual energy, as well. 

We will have a second retreat roughly midway through the training.
The focus of that retreat will be collaboratively determined by the desires and needs of the group.

Virtual Day-Long Retreat: Additionally, we will have a Virtual Day together that will consist of three 2-hour blocks via Zoom, with breaks between to both take care of yourself and possible assignments. 


Join me Japan roughly a year from now as part of my Spiritual/Sexual Transformational Adventure! (participants responsible for costs)

This is optional as I understand that heading to Japan is a big undertaking and not for everyone. For those that choose it however, it alone is worth the price of admission! Quite literally, as $20k is generally the price structure for this week-long group experience.

200% Responsibility Game:

You will be paired with another man in the group. You will take on the game that you are 100% responsible for his transformation. His level of succeeding (and exceeding) his goals is on you!

Meanwhile, you also play the game that you are 100% responsible for your own level of success and transformation.

The 200% responsibility game is designed to plunge you into the role of leadership focused on another man’s transformation as an act of devotion.

Certification Training:

For those of you who are coaching others, this opportunity includes an optional certification as an Evolved Masculine Coach. You will receive both a personalized certificate, as well as a digital seal that you can add to your website.

Certified Evolved Masculine Coaches then have the opportunity to use Evolved Masculine digital trainings (Evolved Masculine Power (EMP), Sexual Self-Mastery (SSM), Erotic Super Powers ESP) with their own clients. (Details TBD)

Affiliate Program: 

You will qualify as an affiliate. You will receive a 40% commission for all digital trainings sold (20% expenses, 40/40 split on sales).
Example: If you sold SSM to your audience at $697 and 100 men bought, at 40% commission = $27,880 (making nearly 50% MORE than your investment in this training just from this one avenue).

Enroll Now:

The EM Mastermind/Apprenticeship officially kicks off in September, however those of you who enroll now will immediately gain access to all digital programs (EMP, SSM, ESP and more content). We will have a 2-hour group zoom session each month (June, July, and August). And gain access to our private Signal communication channels to begin our bonding, get support and to kick off some powerful shifts before we even officially start.

This mastermind is not some cookie cutter program. I’m literally creating it NOW inspired by your presence in my life. This is being created specifically for YOU! And what we create throughout this mastermind journey will be determined by the men who join us and your particular needs and desires. This is a collaborative process of co-creation. 

Together we are more powerful than any one of us alone.

Send me a message after watching the recording (If you weren’t there or couldn’t attend it in full), and let’s discuss the personal transformation that would inspire you to be a fuck yes to this potent journey…

There is no hard sell here. This is an invite only opportunity, and it is either for you, or it is not. 
I may be nearing the end of my time doing coaching work after 15 years, as my film projects are really calling for my attention. I am doing this mastermind/apprenticeship to pass on the breadth and depth of skills that I have built up over the years to a group of powerful men who I trust can carry it forward.