Sex & Power: An Evolved Masculine Intensive

I’d like to personally invite you to participate in a private (FREE) sensual (Not Sexual) event as part of the filming of a documentary focusing on modern masculinity and male sexuality. A documentary team from Switzerland has flown out to San Diego for this occasion. I am honored to be the primary protagonist of this documentary, and have put together this day-long event for my community to showcase for the filming.

We can only host 30 people for this event, and I’d love to stack it with my favorite people whom I know would contribute positively to the experience.

The event will be divided into two sections: One for men exclusively, and one for both men and women co-facilitated with colleague Monique Darling. This invitation will include details for both so you understand the nature and intended outcome of the event.



Doors Open: 9:30 AM Pacific 
Doors Close: 10:00 AM Pacific (no one admitted once we begin so please be on time!)
Lunch: 12:30-1:30 PM Pacific
Close: 4:00 PM Pacific

This workshop is for men who desire to cultivate a deeper relationship with their own sexual energy, practice a set of tools which will allow for deeper attunement with both their own pleasure and that of their partner’s, and learn how to master their arousal (erection and ejaculation, etc) as well as, reach their energetic orgasmic potential.

We will begin by having a frank discussion about the expectations that are often placed on men in sexual situations and create a vulnerable sharing circle for the men in attendance to discuss the challenges they’ve faced with their sexual expression. Following the opening circle and discussion, we’ll dive into a series of experiential energetic exercises facilitated by Destin & a guest facilitator.

We want some elements of this workshop to remain a surprise, but those of you who know my work already know this event will be something truly special.

All of you is welcome, and we are excited to have this opportunity to showcase the high-caliber men in our local community within this documentary.




Aug 17, 2022
Arrival: 6:30 PM Pacific
Start: 7:00 PM Pacific
Close: 10:30 PM Pacific

There will be two primary components to the event: A space for women to offer honest, loving, feedback about how they experience each of the men on an energetic level AND a series of sensual connection exercises facilitated in a neotantric fashion designed to practice and deepen the awarenesses and tools learned during the morning/afternoon workshop.

Particular emphasis will be placed upon the containment of sexual energy to create safety, followed by practicing attunement, and using breath, sound, movement, and visualization to play with sensual energy. This will be a heart-opening sensual event that both men and women will find value and healing in.

Both workshops are free(!) Nudity will not be part of the event, but sexual energy will be expressed within the workshop following best consent practices (a reminder will be included as part of the co-ed workshop). All exercises are optional. You are invited to lean into the edges of your comfort while not exceeding your boundaries or limits.

ALL participants will sign a waiver for any footage of them to be used in the documentary as the film company sees fit. 

If this invitation speaks to you, please RSVP by filling out this short application.

We have 15 spots available for men and 15 for women.

Once we are full, we are full, so please RSVP ASAP!
And please if you RSVP please *be sure* that you will be able to attend. Your solid commitment is necessary for this filmed event to occur seamlessly.

I may open this event up more publicly, but again, I’d love to get my chosen people in first and foremost.

I look forward to hearing from you!
